Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Saturday, April 24, 2010 marked the first and the beginning of something special for Breakthrough Miami. Seven Breakthrough scholars met at the Carrollton’s performing arts center for a speech contest. The contest was a culmination of all the skills the students had learned in their Toastmasters enrichment course. Students spoke of varying topics such as the health risks of smoking cigarettes, the positive and negative effects of music, and even the controversial Senate Bill 6 which would have linked student performance to teacher’s salary.

All seven of the students were commended for their ability to organize a series of thoughts and present them in front of a sea of spectators. Sprinkled in the audience were five anonymous judges taking score. All of the judges were certified Toastmaster affiliates. Shortly after the students presented their speech it was time to give out the hardware. The second place trophy was awarded to Jamie Sanchez. Mya Wright received the 1st place trophy after delivering an endearing story titled “An Unusual Day”, about a time her family took a trip to Daytona. In the end, all of the BT scholars were winners. They each received a certificate of participation and were encouraged to continue to practice the art of public speaking.

Breakthrough Miami believes that along with being a great scholar, students should have strong social and communication skills. This is why the program has had a partnership with Toastmasters for over three years. The course conducted by Toastmasters, provides students with a stage to comfortably learn how to speak in front of people; large or small. It allows students to make mistakes and grow from them. As students understand that mistakes are part of the process they naturally become more confident with public speaking. The Breakthrough Miami program is interested in not only supporting academically motivated students, but also transforming these students to be dynamic leaders of the future.

Congratulations to all speech contestants!!!

Joshua Bonnery
Keona Reeves
Renee Russo
Jamie Sanchez
Micheal Sanchez
Khalil Wilson
Mya Wright

Webber J. Charles
Associate Site Director

Bill Clinton's CGIU 2010 Urges Public Service by Private Citizens

Friday, April 16, 2010

Breakthrough faculty, program interns, and scholars attended the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI – U) at the University of Miami’s Bank United Center. The third installation of the CGI – U galvanized over 200 college scholars from all over the world to take their innovative ideas and fervency to change the world for the better and implement them by summoning their imagination. The most critical question of the evening was “the question of what if?” The 42nd President of the United States stressed the importance of collaboration of government with the private sector to tackle today’s most complex problems. He argued that with today’s technology and the sharing of information, individuals with modest means and a desire to change the world could set an idea in motion creating a positive rippling effect on the lives of many.

“Public good as private citizens” resonated with the Breakthrough Miami scholars and interns sitting attentively in the audience. Hearing several initiatives by four dynamic panelists, our scholars were inspired to take their ideas and run with them. Robyn Allen, a student at MIT, described her initiative to create an energy efficient vehicle that travels an estimated 200 mpgs. Pharell Williams (rapper, songwriter, and producer) has found a great way to recycle plastic through urban fashion. His clothing line produces denim jeans containing wearable fibers derived from recycled plastics. Sam Adelsborg, founder of Lend for Peace, spoke passionately about his micro-lending organization in the Middle East. The audience was seemingly intrigued by this young Jewish scholar’s efforts to provide small loans to Palestinian business men. Adelsborg believes his organization is part of a solution in the growing feud between Muslims and Jews. Dr. Regina Benjamin, 18th Surgeon General of the United States, shared her experience in public service as a physician. Benjamin said she has always viewed medicine and access to healthcare as a public service. She urged minority students to take a serious look at medical schools as the number of black physicians in the United States has remained stagnate over the last sixty years.

The party of 24 left inspired by the words of the panelists and President Clinton. One BT scholar admittedly expressed her surprise celebrities could care about something outside of themselves. The scholar, referring to Pharrell, said she had never heard an artist speak so passionately about making the world a better place. She said she left with a greater understanding of why it is so important for private citizens to commit to public service.

The CGI – U has five focus areas and they are as follows; Education, Environment & Climate Change, Peace & Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health. To find out more information about CGI – U please visit www.cgiu.org.

Breakthrough Miami would like to thank Sergio Gonzalez, Senior Vice President for University Advancement and External Affairs at the University of Miami, for affording us this wonderful opportunity to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University 2010.

Webber J. Charles
Associate Site Director

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sharing Breakthrough Miami Moments; a monthly e - newsletter

Breakthrough Miami Expands Its Reach

Breakthrough Miami plans to expand this summer are underway. We are thrilled to be able to offer our Summer Institute in five sites throughout Miami Dade County. Joining our present sites at Ransom Everglades Middle School and Doctors Charter, are the Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Cushman School and Coral Gables High School. Carrollton will host 60 rising 5th and 6th grade girls making this our first all girls program. Cushman will be home to 60 rising 5th and 6th grade boys and girls and Coral Gables High School will host our College Bound program consisting of 60 9th and 10th graders.

The curriculum planned will be challenging and creative and will be taught by 87 intern teachers from Colleges around the country and some of our best local high schools. The staff has been very busy interviewing over 450 new applicants to the program and their parents. Our mission is to provide all applicants accepted with an enriching, rewarding summer full of learning and fun!

We would like to thank The Knight Foundation, The Children’s Trust and all the foundations and donors who help to make this expansion and this program possible!

Alicia Rodriguez Bower
Executive Director

Jeffrey Miller makes it possible...

Breakthrough Miami supporters are changing the face of education in our community. This month, we’d like to highlight one of education’s biggest supporters, Jeffrey Miller. He has worked tirelessly for years on improving the educational opportunities for students in Miami-Dade County. A Breakthrough Miami supporter for over 10 years, Jeffrey Miller recently took on the role of Chair of our Board of Directors. Besides serving on our board, hosting several teacher-interns during the summer, Jeffrey has given vital funds to expand our program to service over 500 students this upcoming summer. We deeply appreciate the generosity of Jeffrey Miller, who is encouraging a new generation of learners and teachers in Miami.

Joanne Messing
Director of Development

Dear Jeffrey,

Although you may not hear it as often as you should, you’re appreciated so much. We wish we had a new way to say thank you. A way that would really express how much your kindness has meant to Breakthrough Miami students, teachers and staff. You are a wonderful gift to us, and our life is better because you’re in it.

Most sincerely,
The Breakthrough Miami Staff

Gaby’s Breakthrough to Exeter

On March 10th the Villaran family received news that would undoubtedly change their daughter’s life forever. Gaby received an acceptance letter from the Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire congratulating her on her admittance to the class of 2013. Gaby is one of Miami’s finest Breakthrough students and we couldn’t be more proud! The Exeter letter described Gaby perfectly by saying, “Your accomplishments are already extraordinary, and you and your classmates will go on to do even more; this is one reason we want you at Exeter. Your class will be composed of people like you who can and will change the world, who will to Exeter because they believe in our mission to combine knowledge and goodness, and who know that education must be about the heart as well as the head, about the shaping of ideals and the sharing of ideas.”

Haiti Relief Efforts A Priority for Breakthrough Family Association

Breakthrough Miami not only boasts high standards for our student’s education and socialization. Our program’s vision is also rooted in our commitment to public service. From students partaking in a beach clean-up on South Beach during our six week summer institute to gracing a historic cemetery with a fresh coat of white paint, our students are immersed in the value of public service. Capturing the spirit of our service orientated students, our Breakthrough families have come together to assist the people of Haiti since the calamitous quake fractured the country on January 12th. Food, clothing, and sanitary products were collected at the Doctors Charter site for delivery to the Adrienne Arsht Center for an emergency charter flight. Families have also come together to conduct an ongoing bake sale to raise funds to purchase a needy family a “Shelter Box” system. The Shelter Box system is designed to provide adequate shelter for a family of 25. The Haitian community is dear to the organization as many of the students we serve are of Haitian descent. The family association is looking to continue their effort in support of the country’s rebuilding efforts.

Webber J. Charles
Associate Site Director

Monday, April 12, 2010

Harvard Global Month of Service Kick-Off Hosted By Breakthrough Miami

Wednesday, March 31st, marked the official kick-off date for the Harvard Global Month of Service initiative in South Florida. Breakthrough Miami, hosting the kick-off in Ransom Everglades School historic pagoda, is among two dozen organizations in South Florida identified as a service project for local Harvard Alumni in April.

The kick-off's Master of Ceremony, Marilyn J. Holifield of Holland & Knight, welcomed over 50 Harvard Alumni to the event and expressed the need for them to play an active role in the service initiative. Several other alumni and organization leaders accompanied Marilyn at the podium to present the details of their service project. Among them, Alicia R. Bower, Executive Director of Breakthrough Miami, presented a list of program activities available as service projects.

An animated key note address was delivered by the Harvard Alumni Association President, Teresita Alvarez-Bjelland. With a kindred spirit, Teresita reflected on her tenure as the association's president and thanked the alums for their dedication to public service.

To find out more about the Harvard Global Month of Service visit www.alumni.harvard.edu/haa/events/global-month-service

To find out more about Breakthrough Miami visit our website at www.breakthroughmiami.org or contact us at our offices, 305-460-8869.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The Beginning

Yesterday, two groups of students and their faithful leaders from Breakthrough Miami left sunny south Florida for the mid-Atlantic, Washington D.C. The groups boarded the plane (one for the very first time) to see area colleges and to begin to think about their futures.

Once the plane landed in Washington D.C. we headed straight for Georgetown. There we meet the student hosts that were going to show us the student perspective of the school.


Georgetown Cafeteria

The first stop on our student lead tour was the Georgetown Cafeteria. The all you can eat of every type of food (even dessert) made everyone's eyes wide especially after the long day of traveling. Kyhid was particularly excited to take his stomach and energy level from a low of 25% back to 100%.


The month of April marks the commencement of the Harvard Global Month of Service. Sponsored by the Harvard Club of Miami and the Harvard Black Alumni Association of South Florida, the initiative is seated in the institution’s fundamental values embodied in the words found on the Harvard school seal, “VE RI TAS”.

Breakthrough Miami has the great fortune of incorporating the Harvard Alums into several projects in the month of April. Some of the projects include community service projects in the West Grove, tutorial sessions on Breakthrough Saturdays, and career and college workshops for College Bound students.

Breakthrough Miami is a program birthed from Ransom’s core belief; the mark of a quality education is rooted in service to community. The program’s mission is to inspire and prepare talented, motivated middle school students to enter and thrive in top college preparatory high school programs and graduate from college. Equally, the program inspires high school and college students to practice educational advocacy by providing teaching internships. The organization is ecstatic about the Harvard Alums involvement with the program and look to forge a permanent relationship with its constituents.

Marilyn J. Holifield, Esq of Holland and Knight LLP played a key role in bridging the service initiative with Breakthrough Miami. Marilyn and her law firm have been unwavering supporters of the Breakthrough program. The formal kick-off for the Harvard Global Month of Service will take place at Ransom Everglades upper school on March 28 at 6:00 pm. To find out more about the Harvard Global Month of Service, visit www.alumni.harvard.edu/haa/events/global-month-service. To learn more about Breakthrough Miami please visit our website at www.breakthroughmiami.org.